5G Coverage in Hong Kong
5G services were commercially launched in April 2020. In the meantime, local mobile network operators (MNOs) have been actively rolling out their 5G networks. At present, 5G coverage in Hong Kong has exceeded 90% of the population.
5G Coverage Information Available from Service Providers
The MNOs have published on their websites information about coverage of their 5G networks. Consumers may access information on their 5G coverage via the following links –
- China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited
- Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited
- Hutchison Telephone Company Limited
- SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited
Consumers should note that MNOs may adopt different interpretations for the meaning of 5G coverage, or different methodologies in compiling the coverage information (for example, based on on-site measurements or results of computer simulation conducted at specific times). Consumers should therefore pay attention to the explanatory notes that accompany the presentation of 5G coverage information on the MNOs’ websites, for better understanding of the meaning of 5G coverage, as well as the limitations (if any) of the coverage information presented by individual MNOs. In case of enquiries or doubt, please contact the MNOs direct.
Apart from the MNOs, other service providers may provide 5G services making use of the mobile networks of MNOs (“mobile service providers”). Consumers may contact the mobile service providers direct for information about the coverage of their 5G services and/or the 5G coverage of their hosting MNOs.
The Office of the Communications Authority plays no part in respect of the contents provided by any of the MNOs, mobile service providers or third parties regarding 5G coverage and related information. No express or implied warranty is given to the accuracy or completeness of such contents or their appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances. The Office of the Communications Authority accepts no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or related to the use of such contents.

5G Coverage Information Available from Third Parties
Apart from information published by mobile operators, some mobile apps (such as Opensignal) in the market provide users with 5G coverage maps, compiled based on data crowdsourced from the users of the mobile apps. The coverage map information provided by the mobile apps varies in details and accuracy, depending on factors like the methodologies adopted by the mobile apps, the number of local 5G subscribers using the mobile apps and the quantity of measurements collected by the mobile apps in different parts of the territory. To access these coverage maps, consumers would need to download and install the relevant mobile apps through the following channels –
Consumers are advised that, before installing such kind of mobile apps, they should pay attention to the terms and conditions of use, including the collection and use of user’s data (including locations of the user) and the app providers’ privacy policy. Further, while such mobile apps are usually available for download free of charge, additional mobile service charges may incur due to data consumption when the apps are downloaded, used, or run in the background.
Consumers may also check with their friends and relatives who are using 5G services about the quality of service and network coverage that they experience.
The Office of the Communications Authority plays no part in respect of the contents provided by any of the MNOs, mobile service providers or third parties regarding 5G coverage and related information. No express or implied warranty is given to the accuracy or completeness of such contents or their appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances. The Office of the Communications Authority accepts no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or related to the use of such contents.
User Experience
5G users should note that the actual speed experienced by them in areas within 5G coverage may vary due to a number of factors (including but not limited to the number of customers using the network at the time, network traffic, the devices used by the customers, location of the customers, frequency bands used and network settings). As the MNOs deploy more spectrum for providing 5G services and continue to roll out their 5G networks to improve coverage, it is expected that user experience of 5G will continue to improve.